Thursday, April 7, 2016

Oct 26, 2015

Correo Electrónico de la Semana

So you guys must of been praying for me or something because we had so
many MIRACLES this week!
Everyone that we have been working with over this transfer finally
came to church! So many of them weren't progressing because of that
but now they have amigos in the branch and can progress towards
baptism! It was so crazy because none of them have came before and
then all of them came the same week! Ahh I have such a testimony on
fasting and prayer.

We have such an amazing Rama here and all the members love the
missionaries because they are basically all converts. Hermana Jeranimo
is teaching us how to make some Cena tomorrow for the elders so I'm stoked.

I can actually understand all of church and the meetings now and talk
to people without having them slow down and repeat so the gift of
tongues is real! (Even my investigator de Puerto Rico was surprised I am keeping to him cause they talk SO fast)

The culture here is amazing and everyone is so happy
that you're learning their language that they help you out. So much
hugging and kisses on the cheek it's adorable.

Embarrassing story of the week:
So we have this amazing investigator and she promised to read Moroni
10 and we came back the next time and followed up. She said that she was
confused and didn't like it. Well she has never read The Bible
before and it was a little confused on where to read. Yeah... She read
Moroni chapter 9 verse 10. Read it and then I will follow up next

Love you all and thank you for all the prayers for the missionaries.

Remember the covenant you made when you were baptized and try this
week to reach out to a lost sheep. Our ultimate goal is to get every
one of God's children back to the fold. It's not important why someone isn't
going to church just be a friend to those that need it and help
them remember they're important to their father in heaven and to you!
Les Amo!
Hermana Eldredge

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