Monday, April 11, 2016

Dec 21, 2015

Ha Nacido Un Salvador 

Christmas is not a day or a season, but a condition of heart and mind.
If we love our neighbors as ourselves; if in our riches we are poor in
spirit and in our poverty we are rich in grace; if our charity
vaunteth not itself, but suffereth long and is kind; if when our
brother asks for a loaf, we give ourselves instead; if each day dawns
in opportunity and sets in achievement, however small-- then every day
is Christ’s day and Christmas is always near.
-James Wallingford

Christmas in the mission field is magical. Not only are we always in
the spirit of Christmas but we get to share the message of the most
important gift ever given. Our loving Heavenly Father gave us His son.
And because He lives we can live also! Being able to share that with
people has been the best Christmas  yet.

Since La Rama 6 is the coolest (and as they say it "La Rama
Maravillosa y Verdadera") we had a branch Christmas party! Hermana
Butler and I made tamales the morning before with Hermana Trejo and an
investigator named Rosa. They also had tons of clothes from an only
nativity thing so everyone dressed up, even the elders hahah I'm sorry
I'm the worst but I didn't take any pictures really.. So I'll have to
get them mom sorry. But we had lots of investigators and new families
and less actives come! T-boo also got baptized this week and no matter
what language baptisms are so powerful and amazing.

Some of my favorite people we teach also went on a double date with
our ward mission leader and his wife to the temple (by the way he
served Spanish speaking in cedar city- so he learned his English from
up Enoch and Kanaraville) so Hector and Ingrid loved the temple!! And
they are also going to take me to Honduras and Puerto Rico when I get
home. (:
Christmas miracles!

Love you all and I hope that you all get the chance to reach out serve
someone during this week. Remember those who are missing family and
give more than you get. I know the savior lives and because of him we
can live also. Thank you for being in my life and FELIZ NAVIDAD!!
Les quiero,
Hermana Eldredge

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