Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nov 23, 2015

This week is full of Miracles and God doesn't do random!

Our new investigator is on date for baptism!! She chose the week of Christmas!

Other Milagros:
Hermana Butler and I were contacting a referral in a community of
houses (usually not a lot of Hispanics) and at our last 5 minutes of
the day, like they always say, decided to knock a random house. A
woman about 70 years old opens her door. Immediately yells for us to
come in and sit down. She had gone to a Mormon church in Mexico but
had never talked to any missionaries here and would love for us to
come over and teach her. After calling us her Angels and Guapas, she
told us to teach her how to pray and to come back again for the next
lesson in a few days. God doesn't do random!

We also had a really big lesson planned with an investigator and his
family with some members last night that fell through, we were really
sad but we went to another potential where we had an amazing lesson
with a family that is so ready and prepared for the gospel!

Sometimes things fall through and don't work out the way we want them
to. But that's the things, Gods ways are not our ways and they are
higher than our ways. He knows His people and where we need to be.
Dropping people is hard sometimes but this area has so much to do it's
overwhelming sometimes. I have fallen in love with the Branch here and
the members and investigators.
Maybe it's just the season of the week but Alma said it best: This is
my joy, My great thanksgiving (:  Alma 26:37

So give your families a couple extra hugs, say thanks instead of
please in your prayers a little bit more, serve someone and you'll be
that much more thankful for the those serving you already!
Gracias por todo!
Can't say it in Spanish or English or really any words at all how
thankful I am for all the support, prayers, and love. But thank you!
Con amor,
Hermana Eldredge
Sleepover at our apartment for when Elder Johnson for the 70 came

Branch thanksgiving fiesta (they will literally dance all night long)

Object lessons with El Espiritu Santo

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