Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 3, 2016 My sister is the best ever

October 3, 2016
My sister Allis is so awesome! 
I got my hair cut and colored. since I couldn't have my favorite hairdresser, allis found me one in Astoria!

My baby is all grown up! Hermana Judkins is all done with training so I have no excuses to boss anyone around anymore. So they're sending me off to Longview. It was really cool to see this area grow so fast even with our little numbers. I know God has been preparing these people! I'm kinda sad to leave this place cause it's the celestial land but I'm stoked to be serving in a branch again! Also my new companion is named Hermana Eldredge! I think they only did it cause our mail kept getting messed but we'll see. Maybe some of the Hispanics will actually be able to pronounce my name if there is two of us though?

So Tuesday we had this lesson and the guy was just whipping out all these scriptures from the Bible. Not even to bash with us... just to show us he knows and loves the Bible I think? But it was hilarious cause he was staring Judkins down for some reason and would ask her questions like what did Solomon ask God in his prayer? And then a bunch of random ones you wouldn't know unless you knew where he was quoting from the Bible. And she still is learning so she couldn't really reply. Then he starts singing. Yeah, singing. "YO TENGO UN AMIGO QUE ME AMA, ME AMA, ME AMA. YO TENGO UN AMIGO QUE AMA Y SU NOMBRE ES...." and he looks and Judkins for what his friends name is and she goes... "JESUS!" (Really proudly) And he says "Si!" And keeps singing. Hahahah love being a missionary. 

Just remember that Jesus is your friend and he loves you! 
Thank you again for all the happy birthdays! I wish I had time to reply back to everyone but know that I love you!

1- post birthday barn party, blessings on blessings on blessings
2- the shyest human in the world became my best friend all thanks to cat stickers
3- Antonio, hno Nernberg, and Eduardo some of my favorite humans

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Haaaaaaave you met Hermana Judkins?

July 25, 2016

Hey y'all! So I'm officially a mom as the mission slang goes and I am
training and new Hermanita! As cliché as it sounds I don't feel like
my job is too hard, she is already killing it. And kind of killing me
cause she's a marathon runner so she's quite literally running circles
around me. She likes peanut butter so we get along pretty dang well.

It's been fun to watch her grow and let her fail a little bit as we
teach people. It makes me think of all the people I've met here and
how they did the same for me. (Examples from my first transfer
discovering the whole gift of to tongues thing: telling people "as we
cook this family" in a prayer, "God has other old people that are not
of this fold", "God has a body of flesh and eggs...") But all mistakes
and failures make us humble. Humility makes hit our knees and learn to
rely on our Heavenly Father.
This week we had a cool lesson and dinner planned with a part member
family at a members home. The mom called us a couple hours before and
said they wouldn't be able to come. So we have a whole bunch of food
and some willing members but no one to teach. I sat there disappointed
and couldn't think of any of our investigators that would be able to
come at such a short notice, but my sweet companion says "So who are
we gunna get to come?" We said a prayer and a name came our minds of
this sweet old Mexican man that lives a little far off from Astoria.
We had never been able to teach him much but he answered the phone and
said he would love to come. The night went beautifully and he accepted
an invitation to be baptized without hesitation.

Sometimes we think our ways are the best ways, especially when they
are really good ways! But when we trust in our all loving Heavenly
Father, he is able to bless us with his perfect plan. The amazing
thing is that if we are doing our part, we can have full confidence in
Him that everything will fall into place in the best possible way for
us. He promises us that.
1 Nephi 9:6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning;
wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the
children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of
all his words.

I love you all and I'm so thankful for all the selfies and emails you
send me here. Keep praying for my people up here! we need all the faith
we can get ❤️

❤️Hermana Audrey Eldredge

1. I'm a little obsessed with how good the view is while tracting
2. I complimented this girl's aloe Vera plant and at the end of the
lesson she gave me part of it!
3. Portland Temple trips ❤️
4. First day with my new baby
5. Sleepover with the Seaside sisters before interviews with the
president - it's very possible we didn't sleep very much

Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 4, 2016 ALL A-boot Faith

July 4, 2016
Happy freedom day friends!
Nothing too crazy has gone down in the last week or so... Just a new
mission president, I'm training a brand new missionary, and I kicked
my zone leader while playing beach soccer and broke my toe. Okay so a
lot has happened. Smith is leaving me and my baby is flying in from
Mexico tomorrow and I'll pick her up Wednesday! Pray for her sanity
because she is getting a mother like me.

As for my broken toe and new mission president, we had a big meeting
to get to know President and Sister McAteer. They are converts from
Canada are pretty dang amazing. The assistant to the president got up
to start the big meeting and ended it with saying: "and that's what
missionary work is all a-boot, isn't that right Hermana Eldredge." (If
you didn't get that it's cause they're Canadian and I'm in a boot)
After President McAteer was talking about trials that come with the
work and he said "sometimes you'll have bad days! You'll get door
slams! You'll get yelled at! You'll kick your zone leader and break a
toe!" Nothing like being put on blast in front of the whole mission
and new presidency.

This past Sunday we had our 2nd Spanish group meeting, it was a
success! This week Elder Thomas (the zone leader I kicked) gave us a
talk by Gene R. Cook on faith it was an answer to companionship
prayers. We have been a searching on what to do because our first two
meetings we had no investigators and barely any members. But Elder
Cook speaks of a story of his mission where they were asked to raise
money for the new temple. They set the goal with the Lord, but they
also had a "if not" plan. They would raise the money for the temple
but if they fell short they would pay the rest of it themselves. So we
decided we would do that with the group. We would do everything
possible to get members and investigators there, but if no
investigators show we would teach the members on missionary work. We
said many prayers and worked our hardest this week and we didn't even
have to use the if not plan, because a family we are teaching came! It
was a total miracle all made possible by the Lord.

Faith is the first step of the gospel because it is so necessary for
everything we do. If we have faith in the lord over our own selves, we
don't have to worry if things don't go our way. If we are submissive
and diligent and willing to do all He asks, we need not worry about he
outcome. He makes all the difference!

Los quiero!

❤️Hermana Audrey Eldredge

Monday, July 4, 2016

JUNE 20, 2016

June 20, 2016

Hola mis amigos!

This week has been crazy and beautiful. God is blessing his
missionaries! We have seen so many miracles and God putting us in the
right places at the right time. We have so many investigators that are
really ready to change and the Spanish group is growing! Our
investigator almost got deported and is in jail but he contacted us
and might be able to stay! A lot of people he works for are fighting
to keep him here. He emailed us so we got to reply. Rocio (our member)
took me seriously with the username "el cholo" cause she didn't think
it would show (it does). We're probably first missionaries to ever
email their investigator in jail as El Cholo. The people that read
them were probably expecting something other than scriptures.. Another
investigator came to church for the first time. We had to translate
but the spirit has its own language!

We have had a challenge as a zone of who can hand out the most Book of
Mormons in two weeks. I'm not competitive or anything..... But we are
killing everyone! It's been amazing to see that book placed in so many
people's hands and to be able to testify of its greatness. Even as a
missionary I sometimes forget how wonderful it is to know what we
know. No other religions know that God has a body of flesh and bones.
That there was pre-mortal life. That we will all be resurrected with
perfect immortal bodies. That there are living prophet today. Nobody
else knows that! I love seeing the surprise when they hear it for the
first time, cause it makes sense right? The Book of Mormon just shows
me how much God really does love us. Because of that book I know that
Jesus Christ is my savior.

I wanted to share my favorite scripture of all time.
Alma 7:11-12
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and
temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled
which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his

12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of
death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their
infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to
the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his
people according to their infirmities.

I invite all of you to really think about why you know the Book of
Mormon is true. To write it down and pray for someone to give it to.
There are people living here without it. I love you all and I'm so
thankful for the prayers you are sending my way. We are feeling them.

This is us visiting the sea lions....
Sorry you can't actually see the sea lions. Just imagine them, they're
real cute.

Hermana Eldredge

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016


I've never loved Monday's so much in my life. But Friday was pretty
close to winning my favorite day. We had una Noche de Talentos! The
Spanish branch does not mess around with events like talent shows. Our
investigator Enrique was even the usher. His talent was definitely
being in front of the crowd. We were crying laughing. And the loa
family that we are teaching even danced for everyone. I can't wait
till I can come back and learn to do all the cultural dances! We even
had to go home before it was over cause they party into the night!

We had a lesson with a girl this week and we taught her about the Book
of Mormon. At the end we shared with her Moroni's promise and asked
her how she felt. She told us she can't explain why her heart was
beating so fast like this..... Yeah that's the spirit. I love teaching
the gospel!

The dad of a family we have been teaching forever came with his kids
this Sunday. There is no feeling like seeing their whole family in
their Sunday best! Even Jared in his 5 year old suit.
When the Sacrament went around and we showed him how we take the
water. He takesit, looks at it, pauses. Drinks. Eyes wide he just
says: es bueno! And then follows it down the pue trying to get another
cup and telling all his Sibilings that it's good and to try it.

That's the most beautiful thing about Sundays. We get to be our best.
We can repent. We're trying to be better. And isn't that the greats
ring about the atonement? We get a chance every week to try to be a
little better. So that's my missionary advice for you this week
(borrowed from president hinkley) Try a little harder to be a little

❤️Hermana Audrey Eldredge
Enviado desde mi iPad

Monday, May 2, 2016

9 months?? Am I even done training yet?

May 2, 2016

9 months?? Am I even done training yet?

Hi friends! Missionary work is crazy. Heavenly Father loves pushing
you out of your comfort zone and surprising you with the unexpected.
Last week I was just living my life with Hermana Alvarez and the next
thing you know we were taking a road trip up to Long View to pick up
my new companion. Emergency transfers are pretty hyped here, like
unexpected "in a new relationship" posts of Facebook. everyone in the
mission wants to know what happened and who the new companion is. But
Hermana Smith is a fiesta and a half.

Well it is my 9 month mark this Thursday. Time flies when you are on
the Lord's time instead of your own. Who knew? I have learned more than
I ever thought I would out here. I also learned how much I still need
to learn. But I wanted to give you my top 9:
1. God loves me.
2. The savior's atonement and enabling power is unstoppable.
3. God doesn't do random, he sets up little miracles all day every day.
4. Spanglish is a real language.
5. Eating cow tongue tastes better than cow intestines.
6. The gospel makes bad men good and good men better.
7. How to play scatter ball.
8. They're not going to call you back.
9. You can love anyone no matter how ridiculous they are, with god's help.

God is so great. He can make us great, if we let him.
Thank you for being great and helping me be better.
I challenge you to evaluate yourself in the eyes of our Heavenly
Father. He can show us our weaknesses and help make them strengths.
Just don't ask him to show you all at the same time (:

Los quiero

❤️Hermana Audrey Eldredge
Enviado desde mi iPad

We kinda like each other

My favorite family ever moved to UTAH!!!

Mexican nieve


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 18, 2016

Buenas Noticias 

Queridos 💛  
This week was transfer news and I had a feeling I was leaving my birthplace. But apparently I don't have the gift of prophecy. I survived and I am staying in Vancouver with Hermana Alvarez! Usually missionaries get transferred after 2 or 3 at most, this is my 6th here but I guess I'm the exception. I'm a little worried that Heavenly Father needs me to do something that I haven't done so I'm trying to get out of the box here. But I really feel so blessed because we are working with so many prepared families and I get to see all the baptisms through!  Also there is a Jimmy John's in the area so that's probably a factor too. Heavenly Father answers prayers! 

One thing that I have learned more about this week is how He does answer our prayers. At times it's difficult for me to find balance in my prayers of what my wants/needs are and what is selfish to ask for. I know God cares about little things in our life (dance, school, work, bad hair days) that maybe won't be so important in the long run. (Alma 34 so great) But he also doesn't grant our every desire just cause we ask. Sometimes I feel too selfish asking for blessings because I already have way more than I deserve but sometimes find myself wondering why things didn't work out even if I prayed my heart out for them. I have discovered though that if we ask for godly desires and submit our will to Him, he will bless us with the strength and peace we need for whatever trial he gives us. Just like Alma when they were being persecuted by Amulon: “I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoul­ ders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs. And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord" They were the happiest people and they were being treated so unfairly. So next time you have a bad hair day and are asking for it to go away, after that thank him for your hair and ask for his help to still have the best day ever regardless of your ugly hair. And he will! 

Sorry for the long email. I'm just really happy and loving my mission more everyday! I want you all to know how grateful I am for all of you and for love, prayers, emails and letters! I want you to know that I know God is our loving Heavenly Father and he wants us to be happy. I know that Jesus Christ is our savior the hope we have in this life to be happy.  I know that we have been given the Holy Ghost to guide us and help us feel that love, peace, and happiness! 

Hermana Eldredge

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 11, 2016

Hola mis queridos! 
This week has been crazy cool. I've been given the
gift of hands and got to teach with one of the ASL sisters when our
companions were sick. It was so cool cause I actually know how to say
a lot now! We have a family on date and a ton of miracles!

But we are going to Oregon today to go hiking so sorry I can send any
emails! Tell my mom I love her cause she's a little younger today (;
I love you all the church is true!

Apr 4, 2016

La Conferencia General 

It was my favorite holiday this weekend.. General conference! I have
to say it is such a cool experience to show people what that is that
have never heard about it. Yes we do have living prophets and apostles
that receive revelation from God and then share it with every one of
us. Yes you can watch it on YouTube. Yes they are old and full of
wisdom. Yes that is a lot of Mormons in one room. Yes it's translated
in hundreds of languages. Yes there are temples everyone in the world.
Yes their words are true and directly from our Heavenly Father. Yes
you can get baptized. (That was a brief example of all the questions I
got to answer this weekend, teaching the gospel is way cool)

I really need to repent for being a horrible emailer. Things have been
crazy here in the WVM, but I'm still alive! I did want to share my
highlights of the conference. There were moments where I could feel
the savior's real and personal love for me and moments where I was
taught how I could be a better disciple of Christ. One of the
comforting moments I felt was during the talk by W. Christopher
Waddell. He said "However far we may wander from the path, the Savior
invites us to return and walk with him." The savior is the way for our
happiness and light in this life. Every decision we make we are wither
choosing to grow closer to him or to walk further from him, but he is
always there to guide us home. I have seen his forgiving love in my
life over and over and am forever greatful for the path I am in. I
hope all of you know how much I love you and how much the savior loves
️Hermana Audrey Eldredge

 Miracles - the sun is back in Washington

Watching Conference

Helped Hermana Alvarez catch her first frog

Left our roommates some love

Mar 14, 2016

A la bibliotheca! 
Hola Amigos! So this is my first time on a computer for the last 7 months.. It feels good to be back but I feel like such an average citizen here in the library. This week has been crazy full of miracles! We have a family that is going to be baptized soon! And my one of my other favorites started the Book of Mormon this week and is already on chapter 12. There is so much power in that book! We also got dropped by a couple people, but when that happens we know that heavenly father is helping us make time for the elect in our schedules.

Olga had her birthday party this weekend and so basically every Hispanic in Vancouver was at their apartment to hit the piñata and watch her head get shoved in her cake. There's nothing like mingling with investigators and members over delicious tacos and tres leche while little kids almost getting hit in the head as they get the candy (:

Washington is more than gorgeous this time of year and everything is blooming! One of our members at dinner was talking about how it is her favorite time of year because it is the season of change. Just like this beautiful world we live in, we get the chance to become something new and start over. Out of all my mission, that is one principle I have had the opportunity to learn from the Savior. No matter what our natural qualities and abilities, the savior has given us a chance to change. He has given us divine potential to become better than we could by our mortal means. I have seen it here in the people I teach, completely leaving behind parts of themselves to accept the happiness and peace that comes from following the commandments of god. Even more than that I have seen it in myself.
(I still have a long way to go)

I hope you all take the challenge from President Hinckley and try a little harder to be a little better. Our prophets have been called by a loving heavenly father and I know that the more we heed to their counsel, the more we can find love of Christ in our lives!

Los quiero

Hermana Audrey Eldredge

Vancouver West Zone Lunch!

Feb. 29, 2016

La gripa 

Holaaaa familia. Two items of business on this day of preparation. 
1 -I don't remember your birthday 
2 - my emails do not show replies. 
So if I ever don't reply or if I forgot your birthday please let me know
so I can repent and send you a nice card!

Well I'm going to keep this short because I'm actually pretty sick and
dying right now. But I am being well taken care of! Perla is one of
our less actives and she heard I was sick and came over with Pozole
and tres leche for my comps birthday and then one of our other less
actives wanted to make us lunch and made us and the elders come over.
Last night Hermana Ruiz made me come over to try some of her magic
healing tea. I love this branch with all my heart!

Right now Hermana Alverez and I are just waiting on a phone call to
see if we are getting transferred. If we do we won't get any time for
goodbyes just pack up and leave :( but I will go where he wants me to

I have definitely learned the difference between our will and our
Heavenly Fathers. When we are truly humble we can see that He has a
different perspective than ours. He knows our lives so perfectly and
the trials that will bring us closer to him. If we trust Him and
submit our will cheerfully to His, we can receive those blessings that
he has in store for us!
️Hermana Audrey Eldredge

 District pot luck! We brought no bake cookies 

Feb 15, 2016

El AMOR puro de Cristo 

Queonda! Last night while we were contacting some potentials and had a
lesson in the street with this couple. The girl was really interested
and accepted to read the Book of Mormon but the guy was a little
hesitant and said he'd never prayed before... He would get a chance
real soon. So we leave and come back to the parking lot about 20
minutes later and we see a car that is falling into this giant hole in
the ground, with one of the back wheels barely on. It's the kid we had
the lesson with. We come over to help him and his phone had died and
he had gotten rejected by his girlfriend. So we told him it was his
chance to pray hahahah but he laughed and said he'd take it. Then we
called a recent convert that happened to live in that same apartment
complex (he goes to the gym a lot) when he saw the car he laughed and
asked if we thought he was Hercules. and he basically priesthood power
lifted up the car and saved this kids life. He even told us he'd pray
tonight! It was a small miracle of the night!

More miracles: we have a family on date for baptism!!!!!! they choose
March 16 and they are the cutest humans ever. We have another couple
that is progressing so well and should be baptized in March as well.
So keep them in your prayers!

I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes for our modern day prophet
really quick:
“We cannot truly love God if we do not love our fellow travelers on
this mortal journey. … We are all spirit children of our Heavenly
Father and, as such, are brothers and sisters. As we keep this truth
in mind, loving all of God’s children will become easier. …

“Every day of our lives we are given opportunities to show love and
kindness to those around us. …

“Love is expressed in many recognizable ways: a smile, a wave, a kind
comment, a compliment. Other expressions may be more subtle, such as
showing interest in another’s activities, teaching a principle with
kindness and patience, visiting one who is ill or homebound. These
words and actions and many others can communicate love.”

If I have learned anything out here is how much our father in heaven
and savior love us. And the best way to show our love is to love our
brothers and sisters here. I have seen so many miracles just from a
small act of kindness given to someone struggling. Gracias for all the
love that I get out here and for all you do for me and for the Lord. I
love you all with all my heart!

Feb 8, 2016

Su gracia es suficiente 
Happy P-Day to all my fellow servants of the Lord and to the rest of you... Hope your Monday keeps on keeping on. This week has been one of those tender mercies weeks. We have been able to work really hard now that I'm back on both feet (well kinda I'm still looking like a cripple). But we had a chance to do some service at the Family Woodlands house and he had us help with his grape Vines while the elders did raking and less cool elder stuff. As he would say "Hermanas you're working in Bill's vineyard while serving in the Lord's vineyard" It was basically a hands on lesson of Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon! 
*also have a video of Elder Ramirez the Peruvian holding a live chicken for the first time if you're having a bad day it's a guaranteed smile and very probable laugh* 

6-Months! The time is going by too fast and I am officially out 1/3 of my already short time out here. They always say that it goes by fast if you enjoy so I'm going to start hating it so it goes a little slower. Wish me luck! 

Well in all this time Heavenly Father has given me to work, sweat, and slave like missionaries do I have learned a lot about myself and more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I honestly can say that before my mission I did not understand the full grace and love that he gives to me. We are imperfect children and we come up short, but our Savior knows that and he loves us perfectly. He makes up my flaws and my shortcomings if I let him. Our life here is to shape us into the perfect beings we can someday become. Being here has shown me more than I wanted to see of my flaws and weaknesses. But his grace sufficient for all. Even a crippled, attention deficit, Spanish struggling missionary.

I want to invite all of my favorite people (you) to find what the Atonement really means to you. How even the little struggles of the day can be made better through Him. I am still working on it for myself but I know that the atonement is the biggest miracle that has ever happened. I have seen his enabling power in things as miraculous as me speaking fluently in Spanish to little things like helping me get up at 6:30 am and learn how to listen to others more than I speak.   

Christ is our savior and his love is perfect and never ending. He loves YOU. 
How much greater Valentine's Day can I ask for right? 

Los quiero,

️Hermana Audrey Eldredge 

Un foto es suficiente

Ps my surgeons initials happened to be EW

Feb 1, 2016

Buenas tardes hermanos y hermanas! This week has been too full of
faith and miracles. One of them being that my surgery went well and I
am up and walking (with another cute boot). Everyone here has been
looking out for me and I've been blessed with the cutest human ever as
my companion. She has cooked for me and helped me with everything.
Also took lots of videos of me coming off of the anesthesia... Which
by the way I gave my nurse a Book of Mormon and invited her to be
baptized after so the surgery is not slowing the work.

My testimony on faith and miracles has been strengthened this week. As
Moroni taught in Chapter 7 of the Book of Mormon "Behold I say unto
you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by
faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these
things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because
of unbelief, and all is vain."

Christ performed miracles during his ministry unceasingly, but only
for those who had the faith that He could. The gospel of Jesus Christ
is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So what I'm getting out
here is: Our faith + His will = Miracles. Don't have the faith? Great,
ask for it. He will always provide.  And I see it here every single
day. He gives me the faith on the days I lack it.

Every single missionary in the WVM is fasting in mighty prayer this
next Sunday for our mission president. And we are all going to baptize
someone this month of February.  We have the faith ready and no
unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. So if I might be
so bold to ask you all to step up your faith a little this week and
get on your knees. Ask Him for miracles and be willing to do whatever
is in His will to make it happen. I'll be waiting for stories on how
it goes in this month and I'll be sharing mine here in La Rama 6 (:

Les quiero muchísimo💙🌮
Hermana Eldredge

Demasiado amor y bendiciones

Monday, April 11, 2016

Jan 25, 2016

Buenas Tardes 
The dirty 'couv is welcoming the one and only Hermana Alverez! I said
bye to my mother and trainer Hermana Butler this week. We were sad but
changes are so good for the work! Plus Hermana Alverez and I are
weirdly alike so far, comp unity is all good. She is from Puerto Rico,
likes to cook, and loves to work hard. Basically my Spanish, appetite,
and la obra are all improving!

For those that don't know my Mission President Taylor had a heart
attack, but he has many prayers going for him so he is on his way back
to health but this is what I wrote him for my weekly letter and I
thought you might enjoy!

President Taylor,
Writing a normal letter seemed a little too ordinary this time
So I thought maybe I'll write our miracles this week with a rhyme

I've been loving my mission, even the highs and the lows
We can count our blessings till we run out of fingers and toes

From Monday to Monday the time flies by too fast
Trying to work, sweat, and make our precious time last

The days are long they warned me but the weeks will fly by
I swear last week we were eating presidents homemade pie?

But the New Year begun with fresh hope in the air
Of those prepared to hear of the message of Christ we share

The elect we've found, ready to act on the truths we bring
Because to them His gospel already has a "familiar ring"

They already knew and accepted this perfect plan he gave
Our brother so willing and loving to save our lives from the grave

Only a moment ago we were together in this heavenly fight
We chose our savior, promising to always follow His light

For God gave every child that great light of Christ as a guide
So when missionaries like us teach they feel His love burning inside

The Holy Ghost testifies to them of the father and son within
While we learn and teach his word I can almost feel the veil thin

After faith and repentance, they'll be baptized by immersion as a member
Then a conformation of the Holy Ghost and conventing to always remember

With weekly renewal of this promise by partaking of the bread and water
We'll rejoice together, taking Christ's name as reborn sons and daughters

As we follow the steps of the strait and narrow and endure to the end
His gospel will continue to go forth until the day every knee shall bend

So president thank you for all you have given to serve our lord in your life
The love you have for us and the work radiates from you and your wife

The only thing is, I have to give some advice if you will let me
Only that our mortal bodies aren't perfect just yet as they will be

So if you love too much your heart can't hold it all in!
Though I don't believe that love and working too hard is a sin

Just remember we're thankful for the sacrifice to be here and all that you do
We know you'll be out golfing soon but we're still praying for you two (:

Con mucho love,
Hermana Audrey Eldredge

Jan 18, 2016


I'm sorry that I don't have a lot of time to email today, this day has
been so crazy! We are going out to the familia prieto in a minute for
their family home evening and I haven't been home all day yet! 

But I get my new companion this Wednesday and surgery the week after!
Hermana Butler and I have been doing amazingly and seeing so many
miracles every day! She gave her last testimony Sunday in time for all
our less actives to come! 

In this picture is a girl we teach with her cousin and her mom who are members. 
This age is so so humbling. Most of the families we teach have girls this age who have amazing testimonies of God already. She will probably be our next baptism (: 
love you all and I'm So thankful for all the love and support!
Hermana Eldredge